How To Change the Full Text Minimum Word Length in MySQL

By default Full-text mysql index minimum length is 4.If you are searching for a 3 or below lengthy word it will be ignored.We can force MySql to search small keywords.We can set mysql full-text index minimum length to 3 or 2.
First you need to access to SSH command prompt to change settings of mysql server, You can use putty software to access SSH from windows.
Login to your server via SSH
If you don't have nano text editor install it.
type the following commands and press enter

cd ..
cd etc
nano mysql.cnf

If you cant find such a file type cd mysql and press enter now you can use nano mysql.cnf.

Add the following line under the [mysqld] section

 ft_min_word_len = 3

Now reboot your server - You may use the command reboot

Now login to PHPMYADMIN

Repair your table... Now you are able to search 3 character lengthy keywords

How to Store A Array In MySQL Database Using PHP

By default mysql doesn't support arrays,Using a simple trick we can store arrays in mysql databases.

Solution 1 :

$data = array('element 1','element 2','element 3','element 4');
$insdata = mysql_escape_string(serialize($data));

Now you can store $insdata as a string in mysql database,When you retrieve data you can use the following code to convert the string to array.

$data = unserialize($row['column']);

Solution 2 :

$data =  array('element 1','element 2','element 3','element 4');
$insdata = implode(",", $data);
$data = explode(",", $row['column']);

How to Fix FTP Not Working Problem In Kloxo

In my previous post i explained how you can create FTP user account in kloxo.If you are not able to access your FTP account In kloxo control panel , Follow these steps  to enable ftp.
Operating system - Centos
Control panel - Kloxo
Protocol - FTP

Execute the following code as one by one in your Terminal

yum downgrade pure-ftpd
yum -y update

Now you can access your ftp accounts without any problem.

How To Setup FTP User Account in Kloxo Control Panel

I am going to explain how you can create a FTP user account in kloxo control panel software.
First Login into your control panel.

Under Domain, click on Ftp Users

Click on Add FTP User

Enter required information's such as Username,Password and virtual directory (optional)

Now the ftp user is created successfully.You are able to access via ftp using the user name and password.

Free Control Panel Softwares To Manage Virtual Private Server

When we purchase un managed VPS we need to install a control panel software in our system.If we are choosing a managed VPS we don't need to worry about installing control panel software.By default VPS provider will install some Control panel software in our VPS.Here I am going to share Cpanel alternative control panel scripts.

Open Panel 
Open panel is a free and open source user friendly control panel software which can be used as an alternative to cpanel script.It is mainly designed for developers.Its multiple layers of management allow the admin and all users to efficiently run their services.

Kloxo - Demo

Kloxo is an effient web hosting platform which is free and open source.Using kloxo you can manage all domains from a single page.It can backup and restore easily.It support ticket reservation feature which help administrator to respond to customer's complaints.

Webmin  - Demo

Webmin is a control panel interface for system administration for Linux based servers. Using webmin you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing etc.


EHCP is a open source free tool in a server to facilate the process of hosting domains, emails, adding domains, ftp users etc.

How To Backup Google Chrome Saved Passwords

Import and Export Saved Passwords In Google Chrome
First open My computer
Then open the local disk where windows operating system is located usually it is C:\ drive
If you are using windows XP follow this path , open explorer - Documents and Settings\{USERNAME}\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
If it is windows 7 or above - Users\{USERNAME}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default


Now search for the file "Login Data"

This file contains your saved passwords. You can backup this file for further use.


Delete the file "Login Data"
Copy the backup file "Login Data" and paste here.