By default Full-text mysql index minimum length is 4.If you are searching for a 3 or below lengthy word it will be ignored.We can force MySql to search small keywords.We can set mysql full-text index minimum length to 3 or 2.
First you need to access to SSH command prompt to change settings of mysql server, You can use putty software to access SSH from windows.
Login to your server via SSH
If you don't have nano text editor install it.
type the following commands and press enter
cd ..
cd etc
nano mysql.cnf
If you cant find such a file type cd mysql and press enter now you can use nano mysql.cnf.
Add the following line under the [mysqld] section
ft_min_word_len = 3
Now reboot your server - You may use the command reboot
Now login to PHPMYADMIN
Repair your table... Now you are able to search 3 character lengthy keywords
First you need to access to SSH command prompt to change settings of mysql server, You can use putty software to access SSH from windows.
Login to your server via SSH
If you don't have nano text editor install it.
type the following commands and press enter
cd ..
cd etc
nano mysql.cnf
If you cant find such a file type cd mysql and press enter now you can use nano mysql.cnf.
ft_min_word_len = 3
Now reboot your server - You may use the command reboot
Now login to PHPMYADMIN
Repair your table... Now you are able to search 3 character lengthy keywords